Course Creation Bites
Weekly bite sized lessons for busy business owners creating, launching and selling their own online course. Each lesson has one clear focus and an action task for you to go away and complete. It's time to create, launch and sell your online course. Hosted by Sam Winch.
Course Creation Bites
2.6 Can you have too much course support?
Sam Winch
Season 2
Episode 6
Show Notes:
Can you have TOO MUCH course support? This great question was raised in the Content Into Courses Facebook Group and really made me think! So, in this episode, we have a chat about whether you can offer too much support and determining how much support is just right for your course.
Action Step:
Think about how many methods of support you have and how much time is absorbed in the support you offer? How can you improve this for yourself and your students?
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Content Into Courses Facebook Group
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