Course Creation Bites

2.18 The 3 Biggest mistakes course creators make

Sam Winch Season 2 Episode 18

Show Notes:

Most people I know go out of their way to build a good course and I don’t want to take away from what they are giving and what they are trying to do -so this isn’t coming from a place of being nasty or horrible.  Its more what I see people doing that I think could be done better. 

The three big mistakes I see course creators make are:

1. Not truly understanding the needs of their audience.   

2. Not setting a clear, realistic, launch date - and this can be two-phase, either

  • Not setting a launch date at all or
  • On the flip side, it could be an unrealistic deadline.    

3. Not considering the strategy behind pricing.  

Action Steps:

If you are already running a program, reflect back across those three things and consider if there is a gap and whether you can go to it now and dig deeper.

If you are still building your course I don’t want you to panic about these all at the same time, but pick the one that resonates with you the most and spend some time researching it.  Work out what will work for you, your audience and your strategy so you can develop something sustainable for you.

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